by Carrie Judah | Jan 4, 2016 | Artist Colors, Oranges |
Cadmium Orange: Gamblin Cadmium Colors are in regular chromatic steps from Cadmium Yellow Light through Cadmium Red Deep. Chemically pure Cadmium Orange is a medium opaque orange. Pigment: Concentrated cadmium sulfo-selenide (PO 20) Vehicle: Alkali refined linseed oil... by Carrie Judah | Jan 3, 2016 | Artist Colors, Oranges |
Cadmium Orange Deep: A regular chromatic step between Cadmium Orange and Cadmium Red Light. The color of day lilies in late summer. Pigment: Concentrated cadmium sulfo-selenide (PO 20) Vehicle: Alkali refined linseed oil Lightfastness I, Series 4, OPAQUE Color... by Carrie Judah | Jan 2, 2016 | Artist Colors, Oranges |
Permanent Orange: A modern high key color with a pure hue and the same masstone (but more transparent) than Cadmium Orange, and it remains brighter in its tint when mixed with white. Painters cannot mix a secondary with the same purity of this pure hue Orange. When... by Carrie Judah | Jan 1, 2016 | Artist Colors, Oranges |
Transparent Orange: This is Wolf Kahn’s signature color. Noted for its transparency and warm yellow undertone, it can be used as a completely transparent glazing color. Painters can create subtle color shifts by applying various thicknesses of transparent...