Gamblin Fluid Oil Painting Mediums
True to historic working properties. Safer. More Permanent.
At Gamblin, our mission is to lead oil painting into the future. To us this means crafting materials as they ought to be, not just as they have been. Our contemporary mediums are true to historic working properties, yet safer and more permanent.
Painting mediums offer a great deal more than simply extending oil colors. Mediums modify the working properties of oil color from the tube – from a fluid consistency for expressive mark making to a stiff paste for creating thick, crisp marks. Painting mediums also broaden the visual qualities of our colors – from increasing the transparency of paint layers, to creating a range of surface qualities, from high gloss to matte.
When a painting is completed, all of the thought, effort and emotion that went into it are reflected in the artist’s marks. Choosing the appropriate painting medium can be an essential part of making oil painting your own. With a painting medium that fits your needs, you can get into the flow of painting faster and stay there longer.

Linseed Oil – Refined (low acid)
This is the same high-quality linseed oil we craft our paints with. Useful for thinning colors, making them more transparent, and extending dry-time.
Refined Linseed Oil is available in the following sizes: 4.2 oz, 8.5 oz, 16.9 oz, 33.8 oz

24 hour dry time. Our fastest drying painting medium. Galkyd thins oil colors and increases transparency and gloss. When used in greater proportions with oil color, Galkyd will level brush-strokes, creating an enamel-like surface. Great for creating glazes, apply glazes thinly. Do not pour apply. Not a varnish. Learn more.
Galkyd is available in the following sizes: 4.2 oz, 8.5 oz, 16.9 oz, 33.8 oz. SDS

Galkyd Lite
36 hour dry time. Galkyd Lite supports all styles and phases of painting. Thins colors while retaining brushmarks. Great for thin glaze layers. Do not pour apply or use as a varnish. Learn more.
Galkyd Lite is available in the following sizes: 4.2 oz, 8.5 oz, 16.9 oz, 33.8 oz. SDS

Solvent-Free Fluid
Gentle on the sense while keeping pace with your process. This all-fat medium looks and feels like painting oils, but dries faster helping you stay in the creative flow. A little goes a long way! Use sparingly with oil colors, no more than 25% by volume. Not a varnish. Learn more.
Solvent-Free Fluid is available in the following sizes: 4.2 oz, 8.5 oz, 16.9 oz. SDS

Safflower Oil
Safflower Oil increases flow and extends dry-time. To clean and condition brushes, dip bristles in Safflower Oil and wipe with rag to remove paint.
Caution: Large piles of oily rags may spontaneously combust and cause a fire, do not leave wet oily rags crumpled in your studio! After use, put rags in water or hang-dry before discarding. Learn more.
Safflower Oil is available in the following sizes: 4.2 oz, 8.5 oz. SDS

Linseed Oil – Refined Stand Oil
Vacuum bodied linseed oil. This heavy-bodied oil has the consistency of honey. Makes paint workable, evens-out brushstrokes, and dries to a durable, glossy finish.
Stand Oil is available in a 8.5 oz size. SDS